What you can do now to make a difference.

Testify Effectively

Under federal environmental laws, state regulators must not only comply with regulations that apply to our air, water, ecosystems and climate, they often write and enforce those regulations. We empower your team to know which individuals and agencies are making key regulatory decisions, and how to testify effectively to protect communities and the environment.

Submit Substantive Public Comments

Under federal natural resources laws, federal land managers must disclose the impacts of decisions affecting public lands and public resources, but they are required to consider only "substantive comments." Learn what that term means and how to submit effective public comments that trigger a response from environmental regulators and provide a sound basis for an appeal of the decision.


Investigate to Ensure Compliance and Enforcement

Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Learn how to use FOIA to access federal agency records - and how to use them to hold Federal agencies accountable for decisions that affect your community and the environment.

Colorado Open Records Act (CORA)
Learn how to use CORA to access state agency records - and how to use them to hold State agencies accountable for decisions that affect your community and the environment.

Administrative Procedure Act (APA)
Use the APA to take federal agencies to court and hold them accountable for compliance with environmental and natural resources laws.

Federal and State Agency Environmental Databases
Learn how to access environmental data that reveals critical information about air quality, water quality, even hazardous releases, in any area you choose, including your own zip code.

